And Life Goes On

The random bloggings on what gets my goat!

Archive for the tag “Surgical Menopause”

Hysterectomy and Me

I had a hysterectomy in June 2018 due to years of endometriosis, fibroids, cysts and severe bleeding.

For years I had been fobbed off with every ‘cure’ known to man, tablets, injections direct into my stomach to name a few. I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t just give me what I believed would be the end of my misery, a hysterectomy. Every consultant I went to see told me that I was too young to have a hysterectomy done, so I went on for years in a misery of always being careful what I wore, getting up numerous times in the night to change my sanitary wear, changing my sheets because I had yet again leaked through, welts at the top of my legs due to having to wear two night time towels as well as a super plus tampon, day and night.

What has this meant for me since? Don’t ask, I always wondered why I would get to a point over the years with the doctors and specialists where the only place left to go was a hysterectomy and they would refuse telling me that I was too young! How dare they I thought, its my bloody body. I didn’t want any more kids, surely I should be able to make this decision and not them?

But the reason became very obvious after I did have the op, I went into surgical menopause within two weeks, it has been an absolute nightmare and one of the hardest experiences of my life.

I am now in full blown menopause which is a daily nightmare in itself, my surgeon described surgical menopause as like being involved in a serious car accident and boy, does it feel like it most days!

What’s your experience of having a hysterectomy or surgical menopause? I would love to hear from you 🙂

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